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Subject: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

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Original Message                 Date: 31-Oct-04  @  03:25 AM   -   Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

Togo Peffin

Posts: 69

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Here I am, a Brit. A message to all Americans on this site:
Vote Kerry. Bush's time can be ended on Tuesday. You can evict him from the Whitehouse. I hope you're going to vote. Vote. Vote Kerry. Not because he's really great. More because Bush is such a useless shit. For Christ's sake.

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Message 81/107                 Date: 05-Nov-04  @  07:42 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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Yeah, when people that I know to be very rational and intelligent turn to words of violence and depression, the phrase "get a grip" comes to mind as helpful words of advice.

Things are what they are, we still have to deal with them, but nothing was probably gonna change that much if things had gone the other way, so don't get yer panties in a bind.

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Message 82/107                 Date: 05-Nov-04  @  08:36 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry



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you don't read nearly as much nor deeply as your manner would suggest psy.......lest you'd understand the VERY REAL differences in what our missed opportunity was all about.
oh well....copping a shrug> is one way to deal with things.

but not only will america NOT get something resembling a health-care system which most of the rest of the western world knows....dunderhead is gonna "privatise" social security on top of that.
then he's gonna "finish the job" in iraq.
reportedly...there are a few more iraqis alive in the country still.
and we got adaho and dacoda calling the shots for places like new york and california.
and then we'll get that supreme court justice who confuses his bible with OUR constitution.

anyway...i'm with you in suggesting we simply have to get on with things.
but no copping an indifferent shrug from me......

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Message 83/107                 Date: 05-Nov-04  @  08:39 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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just because I'm not considering suicide or "kicking some 'publican ass" doesn't mean i'm not upset by what happens. just what now

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Message 84/107                 Date: 05-Nov-04  @  08:59 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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I wasnt considering suicide, dude. I know thats how what I wrote sounded, but...I actually had something else in mind;)

for someone to kill themselves over this...that would just be plain stupid. it wouldnt make a cunt hairs worth of difference

the "im sad" and "I think about doing someting drastic" comments should be read as entirely unrelated.

nuff said

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Message 85/107                 Date: 05-Nov-04  @  09:16 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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That's all I need to hear, dave...

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Message 86/107                 Date: 05-Nov-04  @  05:16 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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Message 87/107                 Date: 05-Nov-04  @  05:24 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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Message 88/107                 Date: 06-Nov-04  @  12:32 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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pfft... i spent last 3 days in Salzbug locked in a hotel with bunch of americans present (among other nations)... unfortunately i didnt overhear a single person talking about the ellections. i guess they were too embarassed(?)

i guess i should at least congratulate you for coming out in force and msking a CLEAR choice this time who you want to lead your contry. remember, it took us serbs over ten years to get rid of Milosevic, and you lucky guys get to see this person go in four more years with no chance of coming back. i just hope he doesnt blow up the world before that :p

GO EUROPE! weeeheeey :D

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Message 89/107                 Date: 06-Nov-04  @  05:34 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry



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it sounds pretty official they're priming jeb bush for 2008.
or it's official they're priming us for jeb bush in 2008.
or jeb bush is priming them for us in 2008...officially.

whatever the case might be...it looks like bush 2008.

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Message 90/107                 Date: 06-Nov-04  @  10:52 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


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[image file]

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