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Subject: if yer into cars

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  07:39 PM   -   if yer into cars

Broken Silence

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I went to the concourso this weekend, it was really cool. It was a ferrari club of america thing, really nice event. The entire weekend was a benifit for children with problems basically. On saturday we took kids from broken homes, and not just like slightly broken homes, for rides in the ferarris, gave them gifts etc and donated the shelter money. (the club = we). The kids absolutley LOVED it...ever single one of them just lit up around the cars, etc it was really great. It was really sad- my dad and I took 4 kids out for rides, zoomin around and letting them crawl around the car etc. One of them was a little girl, about 3-4 years old. Everything she said started with "my mommy and daddy-------" like "my mommy and daddy like my shoes, do you like them?" "my mommy and daddy think we're going fast!!" etc...absolutley heartbreaking. The kids love these events..but you get just as much out of them that they do.

On sunday, we went to the bigger event for the children's hospital. Ferarri club of america is i think number 3 or 4 for the top donators for children's hospital. (the local club, not the national) We had kids in IV's rolling out to see the cars, get a chance to sit in them etc...then we took some kids who were able to get in to the cars for a parade and a ride around town. Our 2 in the car just loved it...it absolutely brightens up their day---was really great. It was just so sad though..my dad's best friend who has the same car took a 17 year old black girl around--her parents could barely afford treatment, and she had been in the hospital for literally all of her life for a brain tumor. Pronounced dead twice. Just gives me chills thinking about it... just snaps you into fucking place to see these kids.

It was really great though, the kids loved it and the parents and nurses etc were SO appreciative...they said that the kids (who were still around from last year) remember every second of it, and dont stop talking about the parade, and getting to crawl around cars etc for weeks.

I dont have any pictures of the kids in the cars, etc because legally we werent allowed to take pictures of the kids in the orphanage and at the hospital, only event leaders and parents took pictures. I do have some of the show though, some gorgeous cars for those who like em!

(250GT Lusso...cant remember what year, but its a late 60's car, probably around 67-68 or something I bet)

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Message 81/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  07:55 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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Clay, I get most of what you try to say, and agree with a lot of it. Just don't feel it's fair to pick on BS and his dad's rich friends driving sick children around in their cars. What the hell does that one event have to do with the accusations made in the above?

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Message 82/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  08:16 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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i can't be arsed to read any of this. well, past "dont even get me started you faggot".

nice call blu, claiming your trance friends don't like it here coz of bullshit politics and doing the usual bullshit politics of calling someone a homo.

anyway, carry on you uphill gardeners.

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Message 83/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  08:45 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars



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i appreciate psy sending me the chat-log entailing everything andrew has said in regards to this matter. as well as psy..gary and trils. a very candid look at what must be described as an open, honest discussion amongst a very small group of friends as to how to deal with anger treachery....deceit.... the airing of laundry publically...and embarassment.
there is stuff i that did not say as well...stuff which i chose not to air here>
which i could've....especially in light of how this thread seemed to suggest certain people were more charitable than i've actually heard them to be.

also included was the admission by silence that he did indeed start this thread to start some crap here.
in so many words....this was his very own admission.
there was very little innocent about his posting all these pictures here.

upon andrew's request....i've asked k to delete my post regarding andrew's dad and connected posts if andrew agrees to delete his onslaught about my e-mails which were always in fun and jest....and he full-well knows this.
all facts speak for themselves or have been manipulated to speak for other purposes.

it's time to get real here.

someone said something about growing up.
i know it wasn't beds.

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Message 84/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  09:05 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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Garuna car worship is bullshit it's one of the worst forms of consumer fetishism around if you're caught up in that particular perversion you have my sympathy.I could never imagine being jealous of BS because he is a spoilt little rich boy who is a perfect example of his class,a class which is beneath contempt but what else can you expect from the offspring of middle management pentagon lackeys?

You may notice that I tend to limit my ranting,drivelling,and slagging to this forum(the forum specifically created for such venting)and contribute only such information as is relevant to the other forums or did that pertinent little fact slip by your seemingly deficient attention.

These forums are not so busy at the moment because it's summertime and forums generally slacken off at this time of year,moreover the participants of these and other internet forums tend to vary constantly over the years.

Personally I say good riddance to the weakhearts,weak minds that take offence to internet ramblings.

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Message 85/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  09:06 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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Message 86/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  10:09 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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Pict, I may notice.....what? No not really. And spare me the hypocrtical eco talk. Owning a sportscar is just one way to show off. Another is to tell everyone what a free spirited intellectual they are fighting for the common man and stereotyping 17 year olds on their supposed class.

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Message 87/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  10:45 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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If you think that I'm showing off,then I have obviously overestimated your ability to comprehend basic sentence structure.

Why don't YOU spare me YOUR piffling attempts at denigration you really aren't capable of ruffling my feathers.I wasn't commenting on ecology directly but you with your limited facility for comprehension have failed to discern that.I must say that I'm not overly surprised by that.

BS is 17?So what?Am I so far off the mark when I suggest that he is the offspring of a relatively high income pentagon management type?Is it so far fetched to suppose that he is highly influenced by his daddy's world view?
If he is on this forum spouting along with the adults then he has to take the dreadful,devastating,knocks to his delicate sensitivities that the others have to take.If you can't stand the heat then .....

You can take your Jante lov mentality and shove it right up your dannebrog coloured arse.

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Message 88/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  11:05 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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Is it so far fetched to suppose that he is highly influenced by his daddy's world view?.... Umm yes it is.

Well no wonder you're grumpy pict. You're living in a welfare state you seem to dislike. At least they gave you a nice dictionary, which you have obviously put to good use. You know you can always just leave. Like you said "If you can't stand the heat then ....." That would be the cold instead though.

This is fun.....

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Message 89/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  11:21 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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Message 90/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  12:39 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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He he..... well put.

Personally, I don't really disagree with any of these ideologies. Just don't like bullying, even on the internet. (And one small factoid: the Jante lov is a traditional Scandinavian anti-elitist viewpoint - "Don't think you're better than the rest". I thought leftists liked that stuff)

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