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Subject: Ironic

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Apr-03  @  05:43 PM   -   Ironic


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Message 81/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  01:23 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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cheddar if I could understand SINGLE FCKING THING you just wrote I might give a flyin fck

I dont feel guilty because it aint ME perpetrating these things you poor little whiner OH GOD THE US IS JUST STEPPING ALL OVER YOU!

who the hell defended gas prices?

you guys...all of you can fck off with your smug "I got you all figured out" shit cuz you




about where Im comin from

dammit why cant I just leave this thread alone

cheddar, youre an obtuse, arrogant, pseudo-intellectual who hides his regurtitative "knowledge" behind encoded HORSESHIT

now back off

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Message 82/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  08:05 AM     Edit: 09-Apr-03  |  08:06 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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'now back off'...

You packing heat Big I?

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Message 83/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  09:03 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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I am leaving it be, but have to say. I am frightened that you are going to report me to the 'Suspicious behaviour hotline' or chat with zour brother who works in the Dept of Anterior Intelligence.

No more from me

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Message 84/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  09:43 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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no more, but you have to throw THAT in there?

man..your head is so far up your fcking ass Im amazed you can see through all the brown.

you dont know me, fool. you have no idea what Im doin, where Im goin, or what I think, and for you to imply that im some sort of fascist...well...you just dropped about ten rungs on the respect ladder

which means now that youre not even on it cuz youve been a smug asshole from the start

oh..zazza..heh..packin...no fckin way, man! Guns are for people that cant fistfight 

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Message 85/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  09:57 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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'Guns are for people that cant fistfight'

You mean like the US Army?

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Message 86/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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antagonistic motherfuckers! stop riling up influx! YES it's funny, but there's really no need for it and it's gone WAY too far.

we used to have real debates around here without losing respect for one another. wtf, people?


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Message 87/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  06:31 PM     Edit: 09-Apr-03  |  06:39 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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We used to have real debates around here?

Which forum you been reading?

This one maybe?

Wind up Influx? By posting a picture of a gym with an escalator?

I am in love with Donald Rumsfeld. Read his poetry HERE. this man is deep.

Here's one to get you started:

The Unknown

As we know,

There are known knowns.

There are things we know we know.

We also know

There are known unknowns.

That is to say

We know there are some things

We do not know.

But there are also unknown unknowns,

The ones we don't know

We don't know.

And HERE is a nice soundbite from Don... 

This one is good TOO! go Don!

Whole bunch HERE

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Message 88/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  06:40 PM   -   RE: Ironic


Posts: 4573

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okay... gyms... donald rumsfeld. debate. roight. where to start?  

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Message 89/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  06:46 PM     Edit: 09-Apr-03  |  06:55 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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Dont you love that 'unknown' quote tho, this man is obviously wasting his talents drawing up plans for world domination!

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Message 90/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: Ironic



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I'm jumpin on the last car of this train for this... sorry, I'm an ass...

If America pulled back, closed it's borders, minded it's own business:

Lettuce would cost us $4.00 a head. Jeans would cost us $500 a pair. Shoes? well, most of us would be barefoot! We would all be living out a medieval nightmare in the US because our ENTIRE economic superiority gig is a shell game! We live on the backs of those in other countries who are forced to live as they do by the circumstance of their poverty. History will remember our society as a gluttonous, heavy handed tyranny that lived high on slave labor and war attrocities!

Raising the water so everyone's boat can float is a bunch of bullshit. the metaphor is better stated as lowering everyone's boats to meet the water! And I'm curious to see how long fat, apathetic Americans (hell, industrialized westerners for that matter) would put up with it before the were happy to send their children off to die for their comfort!


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