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Subject: The World Ends In 2006

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Dec-02  @  01:15 PM   -   The World Ends In 2006

Steve Webster


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Just read the bible code article in yesterdays Daily Mail Newspaper. It is the most interesting thing I have ever read. Scary too. It talks about how the bible is encrypted with a code that tells us our future. I can't find the article online so I'm gonna start typing it out. It will take ages though. Basically this code has predicted stuff like Kennedy's assisnation, the Twin Towers, Arifats assisination, etc. It also says that the world will face a nuclear holocast in 2006. Oh dear.

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Message 90/92                 Date: 11-Jan-03  @  11:11 AM   -   RE: The World Ends In 2006


Posts: 673

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If anyone else wants to contribute or tell us to piss off...

"we can take responsibility for our actions and change the issue" - if they let you - if they don't climb out of your cupboard with a syringe and a phychiatrist or out of the back of an unmarked military transport - or just drop some 'past sell by date' munitions on you and call it friendly fire

I hear you e but my point is in knowing these things - making output from philosophy, in the real world science fiction authors spin up stories that become truth (Larry Niven - star wars), marketeers write speeches and make policy, methods of capturing data and automating analysis improve daily (interactive TV / little black boxes in ISP routers/the old but true maxim that total data=quality data). Where is this going... The possibility that action will be reversed, not becuase is must/should happen (for any one common good) but perhaps just because it can happen and they have the tools to make it happen and if it doesn't work they have the force to ensure it happens anyway. It can all be a test run for the big one. Man i hate using 'they' more than once in a paragraph

When i close the world out and it still knocks on my door, when masses of people and politicians cannot act against ruling government, when sense is a 'retro make fit' around original intention and love and honour are used to fuel hate and deciet it's time for a break. tea anyone

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Message 91/92                 Date: 11-Jan-03  @  11:11 AM   -   RE: The World Ends In 2006


Posts: 673

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If anyone else wants to contribute or tell us to piss off...

"we can take responsibility for our actions and change the issue" - if they let you - if they don't climb out of your cupboard with a syringe and a phychiatrist or out of the back of an unmarked military transport - or just drop some 'past sell by date' munitions on you and call it friendly fire

I hear you e but my point is in knowing these things - making output from philosophy, in the real world science fiction authors spin up stories that become truth (Larry Niven - star wars), marketeers write speeches and make policy, methods of capturing data and automating analysis improve daily (interactive TV / little black boxes in ISP routers/the old but true maxim that total data=quality data). Where is this going... The possibility that action will be reversed, not becuase is must/should happen (for any one common good) but perhaps just because it can happen and they have the tools to make it happen and if it doesn't work they have the force to ensure it happens anyway. It can all be a test run for the big one. Man i hate using 'they' more than once in a paragraph

When i close the world out and it still knocks on my door, when masses of people and politicians cannot act against ruling government, when sense is a 'retro make fit' around original intention and love and honour are used to fuel hate and deciet it's time for a break. tea anyone

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Message 92/92                 Date: 11-Jan-03  @  03:35 PM   -   RE: The World Ends In 2006


Posts: 1345

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if i may...

I think the big problem now is the way time is handled. very important decisions are made without vision because of the UTC diktat. everything is too centered around trimestrial return and "just in time".

sorry for interrupting, please go on.

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