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Subject: So, where's the crispy children...

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Original Message 1/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  05:56 AM   -   So, where's the crispy children...



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Some time ago zazza made that statement...so where's the friggin 10,000,000 dead Iraqi's killed by American. He's such a media gimp.

Fvcking dozy

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Message 2/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  06:22 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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dissapointed B?

well thankfully S didn't let off his WMD. Now why is that?

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Message 3/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  07:23 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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yeah, man! we never killed anyone!

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Message 4/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  01:02 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Well, whatever happened it's NOTHING like the hundreds of thousands of dead civilians that we're predicted by anti-liberation people.

Yes, whatever the true motives of Dubya and Tony were, these people were liberated.

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Message 5/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  01:14 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Their country is a shambles and it remains to be seen what the "Liberators" choose to do with it.

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Message 6/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  01:30 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Hey B the "liberated" think the reason that S was not found/killed was that the "Liberators" are keeping him as a fear inducer (bogey man) and that he will be back in 10 years.

...waiting to see picture of S and Rummy shaking hands in another 10 years

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Message 7/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  02:57 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

Broken Silence


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my dad was asked to go there and head (or head part i dunno yet) the "rebuild iraq" thing....he would prolly be gone for 3-6 months..scarey stuff if he has to go

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Message 8/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  03:37 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

man called clay


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silence...it's scary stuff whether your pops goes or not. but do hope he doesn't. bastiaan...the liberators who implanted saddam some twenty years ago.....are now the captors.
the people caught in the middle of these two forces...the iraqis themselves.....they are of little consequence to those who's aim will always be power and control.....and world hegemony. if the people of iraq ever mattered to us.....the forces of freedom....we'd have never embedded a guy like saddam in the lush state of power which we were so eager to appoint him. if he only he could've kept his people down FOR US...things would've stayed great! saddam's problem was he just forgot who was BOSS around this marble.

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Message 9/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  04:55 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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> Hey B the "liberated" think the reason that S was not found/killed was that the "Liberators" are keeping him as a fear inducer (bogey man) and that he will be back in 10 years.

Yeah, well 'word in the street' isn't a reliable source of news.

> ...waiting to see picture of S and Rummy shaking hands in another 10 years

There's a few of Saddam shaking Kofi's hands...I've seen a few of Tariq shaking the pope's hands as well..

> the liberators who implanted saddam some twenty years ago.....are now the captors.

BULLSHIT. Saddam TOOK power. The 'western' powers did not put him there...he got more help from the USSR and the French then the Yanks and the Poms anyway.

> the people caught in the middle of these two forces...the iraqis themselves.....they are of little consequence to those who's aim will always be power and control.....and world hegemony. if the people of iraq ever mattered to us.....the forces of freedom....we'd have never embedded a guy like saddam in the lush state of power which we were so eager to appoint him.

Crap. Saddam once was a tool 'against' muslim fudamentalism...a tool in the divide and rule game the west played...nothing more nothing less.

> if he only he could've kept his people down FOR US...things would've stayed great! saddam's problem was he just forgot who was BOSS around this marble.

Look, the US and the UK are hypocrites...I'm not arguing that...they are probably after that oil or whatever...still I consider these people to be somewhat more 'free' and thus I call em liberated. Cynical people might even consider the role the US played in WW2 as 'just playing their part out of own interest'..I couldn't care less. Obiously your parents/grandparents never had to suffer occupation or dictatorship, otherwise you'd understand why it's bloody irrelevant what the 'ture motives' of your liberators are. As long as you regain your freedom (or some of it) and gain the hope of a better life you couldn't give a rats arse.

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Message 10/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  06:10 PM     Edit: 06-May-03  |  06:11 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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G Dub and Rumsfeld's Special Sauce:

"Liberatin' the shit outta the free world"

Coming soon to a Tower Records in your newly liberated village.

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Message 11/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  09:37 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

man called clay


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i, perhaps....and only perhaps, am "less liberated" than you and so do take small offense to what your
definition of liberation is. i can either be ruled by saddam or the guys who funded him well enough to create the so-called 4th largest army in the world.
he was OUR friend. he was a murderer at 13 and we knew it. he was doer...not a talker. and we liberated "them" from "him".
quit being so hysterical about what is going on and step back and watch a little history unfold between your fiery speeches. yes...thank god saddam is out. one down and so many more to go before iraq can ever be called 'FREE".
my opinion is that it will never be "us" that sets them free.

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Message 12/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  10:00 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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We will continue to liberate the shit out of the people of Iraq until such time as they can be free to embrace McDonalds and Coca-Cola as their own.

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Message 13/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  10:09 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

man called clay


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and from the looks of it and every other free and intelligent civilized nation before us.....they'll certainly go for it. macdonald's rumfeld's or death?.....i mean what choice is there?

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Message 14/96                 Date: 06-May-03  @  10:16 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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And if Syria doesn't watch their step we'll liberate the shit outta them too.

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Message 15/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  12:30 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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...and Iran is looking decidely oppressed too.

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Message 16/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  12:38 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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But North Korea.... they're cool.

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Message 17/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  12:44 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Way. (As is anyone with the ability to actually defend themselves. Especially if they have the ability to liberate atoms)

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Message 18/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  12:44 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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all Im sayin is that when China finally gets pissed enough I think we're FUCKED and a lot of "allies" are gonna turn on us real quick like.

oh hell we're fucked anyway. national debt anyone?

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Message 19/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  12:58 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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The coalition counts 125 dead and three missing among the U.S. troops, and 31 dead among the British.

After the first U.S. incursion into the Iraqi capital April 5, a U.S. Central Command spokesman said between 2,000 and 3,000 Iraqi fighters were believed to have been killed. At least 100 Iraqis were killed in the battle for the Baghdad International Airport.

Before the war began, government officials and independent military think tanks estimated the Iraqi military had 389,000 in active-duty, including about 80,000 members of the Republican Guard. Iraq also was believed to have 650,000 reserve troops and 44,000 to 60,000 paramilitary forces.

Central Command says more than 7,000 Iraqi fighters have been taken prisoner and a similar number is estimated to have deserted. What happened to the rest is pure guesswork.

accrording to www.iraqbodycount.net 2 to 2.5 thousand civilians have been killed so far..

so you can guess that around 1000 children were killed, god knows how many lost limbs, or were otherwise mutilated..

thank god it wasn't my own kids and here's hoping that the Iraqis can find some peace in this world..

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Message 20/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  02:30 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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I read somewhere that China could fight a conventional war for ten year's worth of casualties and their soldiers would still outnumber America's soldiers. Its also my understanding that, in a conventional war, China could easily route all of Europe. Being an American and an adherent to Taoist philosophy I've always found China to be a bit disconcerting. We are our own biggest enemy from a behavioral standpoint. Sooner or later America and Westernization in general will have a comeuppance and China may be the country to wield the might that brings it about.

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Message 21/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  02:33 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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Yeah, you can read and believe ALL the slanted web drivel you like...

Point being, it was never going to be like you said it was to be zazza. You are very foolish in your rants of lies.

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Message 22/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  02:44 AM     Edit: 07-May-03  |  02:45 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Blista, its in reference to the population. Are you saying you don't believe the population of China has been accuratly accounted for?

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Message 23/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  02:46 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

man called clay


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there is no macdonald's yet or lines of happy people with their jumbo-sized big mac-combos or functioning airports or new art museums or banks or homah sihmsohn or anything ......not quite yet. no one even knows who's mayor
or sheriff or who satan really is. no fat lady has sung yet....so there's still no telling what can or can't go down over the next five or fifty years.
blood and history take time to resolve .....
usually more time than any of us will ever experience.
and china IS still to the east.....and west.

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Message 24/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  08:15 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

Jock Munro

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Werent health authorities in China worried at the increased cases of heart disease ? Which they think is caused by the introduction to a western diet. i.e fast food i.e burgers i.e America.

thats the way a lot of non americans see it. thats one of the reasons there is a lot of anti americanism. the spread of the american way, oh and have a free heart attack on us.

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Message 25/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  08:31 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

man called clay


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well these people are wrong. fast food is good food.
eating tons of french fries while watching tv is not only convenient and tasty.....it'll make a decent person out of you.
i hate these liberal lies which i have to keep hearing over and over and OVER.

whine whine. america the bad guy.
who are these damned people anyway?

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Message 26/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  09:07 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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the wife is off to France in August and we had a laugh about whether it would be there or whether it would have been destroyed/sacked during the US liberations

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Message 27/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  09:18 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Look, all I'm saying is you can't fight blatant lies, double-us-standards and faulty logic by using using blatant lies and double standard larded and faulty logic yourself.

* there are no 100's of 1000's of 'crispy' kids.
* the US did NOT put Saddam in power. I only tollerated him and supported him against Iran.
* the presence of oil in a country is NOT a valid reason not to use force to rid it of it's dictator.
* the Israeli's did not ethnically cleanse Palestine when the world was wathcing the war in Iraq.


There are valid reasong why this war should not have occured: the danger of the UN falling apart, the danger of hightened tensions in the M.E. etc.

Yes, Bush is a cunt and his administration is filled with right-wing idiots if you ask me. It's only a shame to see this turn a lot of people into america-bashing left wing idiots.

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Message 28/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  11:55 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

Jock Munro

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Nah, I always hated america before Bush got into power. If you look back to the old rant, rave slaggit times I am sure you will find me referring to Bill Clinton as a "melon headed inbreeding cunt" at some point.

However I am finding I am becoming less irrational and more tolerant as I get older, and now accept that there are some good americans too. Just like their are good english and bad english.

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Message 29/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  01:45 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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"Just like their are good english and bad english."

bad english. 'there'

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Message 30/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  02:37 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

Jock Munro

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ha ha, yes yes, ok thanks for pointing that out.

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Message 31/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  03:24 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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I woulda let it go, were it not for the context of the sentence. Sitar should be proud of me  

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Message 32/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  05:37 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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There's some points for leftists to consider. Don Rumsfield wants to shrink the size of the US military... the administration tied the hands of Isreal AND the Turks during the Iraqi conflict and the Palestinians have elected a peacemaker to represent them (not likely if the carnage of a year ago was still being acted out by Isreal).

I'm the last person to sing about this f+cked up administration but it isn't all failure!

On Iraq, tey rolled over... period! Those who didn't expect them to (myself included) should admit they were wrong about that, I do! BUT, we have yet to see how the rest of it will play out. We used uranium tipped bombs in one of the largest cities in the world, what will the effect be in 10 years time? It is a fact that the number of celebratory Iraqi's was as greatly exagerated as the number of anti war protestors leading up to this crap!

All you assholes who started singing about liberation back in February (yes that's when that argument took steam, it was the 8th or 9th reason for the war on the administration's laudry list of reasons to kill brown people!) are full of sh+t! This war had nothing to do with liberation... It was economic and strategic! There was no compassion in this crap!

Thankfully less people died than I thought... I'm dancin' over that one.. but that doesn't make what the US did OK... we have again unloaded our version of westernized "freedom" on a culture that did not ask for it! Napoleon was wildly unpopular in Europe, but he liberated every where he went! America is a monster in it's current form, and we have very few allies left who will go to bat for us because of it!


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Message 33/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  08:29 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

man called clay


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hey...a liberated person on his teen-aged knees who's father and country just died....is still liberated and grateful.
this he will demonstrate in years to come.
it'll be bob from des moines.
joe h. from wichita.
george z from san carlos.

it'll be sand trickling.

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Message 34/96                 Date: 07-May-03  @  08:32 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Whose gonna liberate America???

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Message 35/96                 Date: 08-May-03  @  08:19 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Well, at least the Oil fields were liberated.. the US troops made damn sure no one looted those or the Oil Ministry.

Meanwhile cholera and typhoid have broken out in Baghdad and Basra..

Where's the massive airlift of medical supplies and engineers to rebuild the basic infrastructure?

Like the US or the UK give a shit about the Iraqis..


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Message 36/96                 Date: 08-May-03  @  10:13 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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and greed. Even removing all of this politico, cultural stuff and taking it down to the human level. we are looking at a select few guys making miliions and millions making business for businesses they have stake in. Its just greed however you dress it up.

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Message 37/96                 Date: 08-May-03  @  05:12 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Im gonna have to vote with cheddar on that one

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Message 38/96                 Date: 08-May-03  @  07:35 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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spot on.

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Message 39/96                 Date: 09-May-03  @  05:10 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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hard to polish the turd that is american diplomacy.

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Message 40/96                 Date: 09-May-03  @  06:07 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

man called clay


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hardly!!! these guys that old hard thing so damned smooth and shiny it's blinding.....as that is exactly it's aim.

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Message 41/96                 Date: 09-May-03  @  06:10 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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hehehe... aimed turds... funny image there, dude known as adobe

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Message 42/96                 Date: 09-May-03  @  05:46 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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"Don Rumsfield wants to shrink the size of the US military... "
Yeah he want's to privatize it, this is the same shameless f*cker who was around 20 years ago doing the same ol' sh*t.

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Message 43/96                 Date: 09-May-03  @  06:12 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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Same old same old...

Bullsh+t... I don't like this carnivore! I'm not an apologist. I sincerely fear that he will run for president when Bush terms out. That would be bad!

But HE DOES have a good idea with the military. He want s to break it's ranks down to better trained, smaller mobile units... which use communications and intelligence instead of brute force. He is an opponent of bombing civilian areas (not because he is concerned for life, but because it is radicaly inneffecient!)...

I'm just saying, there are some decent ideas floating around. I'm not a supporter, and I think the Iraqi invasion was unconscionable. But simply HATING the haters does nothing to effect change.


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Message 44/96                 Date: 10-May-03  @  07:18 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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"America and Britain yesterday laid out their blueprint for postwar Iraq in a draft resolution to the United Nations security council, naming themselves as "occupying powers" and giving them control of the country's oil revenues. "

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Message 45/96                 Date: 10-May-03  @  10:31 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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heh. surprise surprise

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Message 46/96                 Date: 10-May-03  @  11:11 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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Yeah!!! Go team!!!

What are you guys bitchin' about? We WON right? We're number ONE We're number ONE We're number ONE!!!!!

when's my fuel gonn'a get cheaper anyway?


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Message 47/96                 Date: 11-May-03  @  09:53 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Hey, turns out ole Donald was on the board of a compnay who sold North Korea a couple of Nuclear Reactors.. heh..

The two faces of Donald Rumsfeld

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Message 48/96                 Date: 11-May-03  @  02:45 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

man called clay


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yeah...it's weird how we jump in and do the most fiendish sorts of business deals with guys and then turn around and say they're the horrible ones....and should be dealt with.
rumsfeld is a certain master of the double-deal in this manner.
politics is simply high-stakes poker where people's lives become chips in play.

hombre nombre adobe~
this is how i say it to mi compadres mexicano.

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Message 49/96                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  02:29 AM     Edit: 26-Sep-04  |  02:33 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Thought it might be time to revisit this thread..

errata: [rumsfeld] "But HE DOES have a good idea with the military. He want s to break it's ranks down to better trained, smaller mobile units.. which use communications and intelligence instead of brute force. He is an opponent of bombing civilian areas (not because he is concerned for life, but because it is radicaly inneffecient!)..."

here's your 'slimmed down' army for you:

BBC: Soldiers angered by 'unfair' Iraq call-ups

"..since July, the army has begun the process of calling up 5,600 IRR members to fill gaps in the forces serving in Iraq.
People such as mechanics, engineers, carpenters and cooks, like Mr Armstrong, are being told to report for duty. "

Washington Post: More Troops Needed In Iraq, Officials Say

"U.S. and foreign officials say it is increasingly clear that more armed forces will be needed in Iraq over coming months to secure the nation's first democratic

elections, to protect against the possibility of an insurgent offensive during Ramadan and to allow U.S. commanders to launch a major counteroffensive to quell

the rebellion in the Sunni Triangle."

Canoe: U.S. deserters seek refugee status

"VANCOUVER -- An American soldier who fled to Canada to escape the politics of what he says is an illegal war now hopes politics in this country can save him

from being forced back home. Brandon Hughey, 19, fled Fort Hood, Texas, in March because he said he doesn't believe the U.S. war in Iraq is legal or moral."

AntiWar.com: A Draft After the Elections?

"It is fair to ask how many wars our imperial nation can fight with its hard-pressed volunteer forces, many of whom are now forbidden to leave when their

enlistments run out."

New York Times: A Family Says an Unexpected Goodbye to a Reluctant Soldier

"Alan grew disenchanted with the National Guard, and the feeling seemed mutual. After he stopped showing up for duty, he was given a general discharge. His name

was still placed on an inactive duty list - a roster he was told was only for an unprecedented national disaster that active-duty soldiers couldn't handle alone.

Barring such an event, he could continue building his civilian life as a plumber. He packed away his uniform, and none of us ever thought about it again.

Until last month. Alan received orders to report for "involuntary" duty on Sept. 12. Not in Florida, where hurricanes have uprooted people's lives. In Iraq. For

a year and a half: 545 days to be exact, with two possible extensions."

Crispy kids?

Most deaths linked to coalition

"Most deaths linked to coalition

U.S. forces, police killing twice as many Iraqis as rebels are, ministry finds

According to the ministry, the interim Iraqi government recorded 3,487 Iraqi deaths from April 5 — when the ministry began compiling the data — until Sept. 19. Of those, 328 were women and children. Another 13,720 Iraqis were injured, the ministry said.


Other independent organizations have estimated that 7,000 to 12,000 Iraqis have been killed since May 1, 2003, when President Bush declared an end to major combat operations."

And on and on...

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Message 50/96                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  02:49 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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must've forgot ol mac rumsfeld was a nixon henchman....then and now.

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Message 51/96                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  04:06 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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oh boy, i can't wait to build my civilian life as a plumber. had a couple people try and get me into that one.

heh.. hows about i just begin my civilian life as the incarnate spirit of earthly destruction for a bunch of motherfuckers eh. all i have to do is bleed.

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Message 52/96                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  05:17 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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from what i'm detecting....this full moon is one we should all be somewhat aware of.

it seems the critters are stirring early for this one.

be safe.

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Message 53/96                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  07:29 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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I wanna go on record here as NOT supporting DR.... I agree with his words about a smarter, more mobile military... thing is, I don't agree with military's very much. And I don't think he's wealding his in a very responsible manner, regardless of it's make-up, etc.


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Message 54/96                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  09:35 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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I always thought the military should be for defense. genuine defense, not defense against a fantasized threat

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Message 55/96                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  12:03 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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ever heard the quote "attack is the best defense"? ;)

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Message 56/96                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  12:29 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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well...donald...he was voted people magazine's sexiest man of the year
not long ago...

so i'm a little hesitant to doubt his obviously virile wisdom.

so who likes fucking tortoises over at people magazine, you think?

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Message 57/96                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  05:26 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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bought and paid for...

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Message 58/96                 Date: 05-Oct-04  @  03:06 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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so this "war on..." business - APART from all this terror/freedom/privacy erosion , etc and reasons to $PEND - isn't it true that insururance policies are not valid in times of war.

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Message 59/96                 Date: 05-Oct-04  @  03:40 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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i guess the people of florida are going to soon find out.

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Message 60/96                 Date: 06-Nov-04  @  03:11 PM     Edit: 06-Nov-04  |  03:13 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Iraqis are now 58 times more likely to die a violent death,' Lancet'

'Media Gimp' reports:

From: Bastiaan
Web: www.geocities.com/basvandewerk
Date: 06-may-03 - 01:02 pm
File/Image?: no file added

Well, whatever happened it's NOTHING like the hundreds of thousands of dead civilians that we're predicted by anti-liberation people.

Yes, whatever the true motives of Dubya and Tony were, these people were liberated.

Poor planning, air strikes by coalition forces and a "climate of violence" have led to more than 100,000 extra deaths in Iraq, scientists claim.

...Violent deaths were mainly attributed to coalition forces - and most individuals reportedly killed were women and children....

Hate to keep reviving this thread, but I'm interested in the 'Dancetech War Supporters' comments?.

And I guess the 'liberation' of Fallujah will add a few more thousands...

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Message 62/96                 Date: 07-Nov-04  @  12:07 PM     Edit: 07-Nov-04  |  12:10 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Fallujah prepares to be liberated:

Commanding General, Denis Hajlik. "We're gonna whack 'em,"

At the last count, by US military intelligence, the rebels numbered several thousand strong. But no one knows if they are still there.

Colonel Brandl "... the enemy has got a face. He's called Satan. He lives in Falluja. And we're going to destroy him."

The colonel, a charismatic young officer who is on his second tour in Iraq, will command one of the battalions "at the tip of the spear" in the assault.

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Message 63/96                 Date: 07-Nov-04  @  05:05 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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i've cried too much in the last 24 hours, now i've got a fucking headace

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Message 64/96                 Date: 07-Nov-04  @  05:28 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...



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what you do is mix some blood in with those tears.

it's the cycle.

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Message 65/96                 Date: 07-Nov-04  @  10:49 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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if only it were possible to stop talking politics everywhere I go. last night a friend of mine started with the "yay! Bush won!"

and he said to me:

"Do you realize how much safer you are now?"

It took a lot of effort to contain myself.

so xoxos...this guy would have been a good target for the spite youve reserved for the human race. He's a friend and a good guy, but its amazing to me that people can be so calloused and pompous!

oh, and up in Oregon I saw a home made sign on a car:

"Bush rules, Kerry drools"

what. tha. fuck?

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Message 66/96                 Date: 08-Nov-04  @  12:20 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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All in the name of freedom, justice and democracy...

George Orwell got it so right...

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Message 67/96                 Date: 08-Nov-04  @  05:36 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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"i voted for bush because kerry is ugly and bush is not"

he's a good guy who is too chicken to question the foundation of his existence ;) mebbe his mother loves him.

the question being posed, and all...

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Message 68/96                 Date: 14-Nov-04  @  06:55 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...

Humble Granny

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I don't think chimps are that pretty although Kerry looks like something you'd get at KFC

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Message 69/96                 Date: 14-Nov-04  @  05:48 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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influx, if they weren't callous and pompous regularly, they'd lose touch with it and then they'd have some real tangible worries, which are never ever fun to confront within one's self.

that's what t.v. is here for, to demonstrate that such behaviour is normal!

fuck all of you people.. i have looked into the soul of this society.. yeah, whatever, except this is what i was BORN TO DO. have i not explained enough about my heritage? when i tell you automatic push button remote control synthetic genetics command your soul i'm not fuckin around.

blood? you don't need to shed any blood to break spines or femurs. oc this is better w/ someone who doesn't know where you live.

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Message 70/96                 Date: 20-Nov-04  @  04:38 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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US soldiers in Iraq suffer horrific brain and mental injuries

Traumatic Brian Injury

The increase in brain injury cases is largely due to the advanced body armor and helmets now used by US forces. As the death rate of wounded troops has declined compared to previous conflicts, the rate of TBI has shot up. The nature of the Iraq war has also increased the number of brain injuries. Rocket propelled grenades, mortars, and other explosive devices cause concussive shock blasts damaging to the brain.

ABC News reported last month on the situation in one Veterans Affairs hospital in Palo Alto, California. “The majority of [TBI patients], they’re incontinent, both bowel and bladder, so we have to retrain them when to use the toilet, how to use the toilet,” nurse manager Stephanie Alvarez said.

Each patient at the facility is given a “memory book,” which describes that day’s schedule, and other important information. For many wounded soldiers this includes a reminder of why they are in hospital. “I had a head injury from an explosion in Iraq on June 14, 2004,” one soldier’s book read.

Last month Associated Press reported the case of Jeffrey Lucey, a 23-year-old Marine who suffered from serious depression and became dependent on alcohol after returning from Iraq in July 2003. On Christmas Eve he told his sister how he had been ordered to shoot two unarmed Iraqi soldiers. “He took off two dog tags around his neck, then threw them at me and said, ‘Don’t you understand? Your brother is a murderer,’” she recalled. Lucey killed himself in June.

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Message 71/96                 Date: 20-Nov-04  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Message 72/96                 Date: 20-Nov-04  @  05:19 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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if only they could see the consequences before the act.. if only that.. :p

..then thye'd all be traumatised just for being in the u.s., like me :D

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Message 73/96                 Date: 20-Nov-04  @  07:05 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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conscious fingers, who wants em

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Message 74/96                 Date: 20-Nov-04  @  08:13 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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blind obedience carries me through it all
conscience's a word i learned to forget

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Message 75/96                 Date: 20-Nov-04  @  08:51 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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"if only they could see the consequences before the act.. if only that.. :p"

I think they simply don't give a shit..

Remember, these are religious fundamentalists.. god is on their side...

and on the other side too, which doesn't make for a great prognosis...

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Message 76/96                 Date: 21-Nov-04  @  03:59 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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leave it to nutonion to quote slayer

funny, but the song "War Pigs" is about as suiting as it gets, too! fits just fine now as it did 30 years ago.

was that song written in protest to vietnam? anyone know?

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Message 77/96                 Date: 21-Nov-04  @  09:11 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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how about war in general? i mean... do you think there are any exceptions?

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Message 78/96                 Date: 21-Nov-04  @  12:20 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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song in protest to vietnam?

i'm sure there's a few but country joe and the fish - feel like i'm fixin' to die is pretty funny. it's on that woodstock film.

And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for ?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Vietnam;
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.


and as usual -

There's plenty good money to be made
By supplying the Army with the tools of the trade,

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Message 79/96                 Date: 21-Nov-04  @  01:17 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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*cues "children of the grave" *

just for you influx

after all, it was written in protest of today

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Message 80/96                 Date: 21-Nov-04  @  04:04 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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"Remember, these are religious fundamentalists.. god is on their side..."

just to huphold my twat club membership.. ;) i reckon these boys aren't really fundamentalist anythnig.. sure "ask me what i think and i'll tell you this," but my discussions with adolescent american males who profess christianity frequently end at "gee, i never thought about that" at question #1 :p

all you got to do is keep 'em busy from the time they born til the time you need em.. so give them cartoons, pictures of airplanes and pro wrestling. if you repeat it enough times, theyll be fundamentalist "i believe charlton heston played the number five in star wars"

sickle666 over at kvr is an interesting talk.. tattoo artist stationed outside some base in florida, gets them coming and gonig.

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Message 81/96                 Date: 21-Nov-04  @  09:05 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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right...war pigs...war in general, but since it came out around nam time...

yup, children of the grave

me n nutonium are brothers in sabbath 

hey nutonium does your "Black Sabbath" have 'evil woman' on it?

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Message 82/96                 Date: 21-Nov-04  @  09:40 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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i have a belgianmetal.com wallpaper with a 666 and a big axe on at the moment. beat that i dear you :D

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Message 83/96                 Date: 22-Nov-04  @  01:35 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Sabbath had the best riffs.Iommi doesn't get the credit he deserves,not bad for a leftie missing 2 finger tips eh?

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Message 84/96                 Date: 22-Nov-04  @  04:49 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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sick guitarist, definitely. sometimes you hear some slop but its creative slop 

I also love the hard panning recording, because some of the tracks have wide open drum channels on either side, so you can get perfect samplesL 

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Message 85/96                 Date: 22-Nov-04  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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aye, no. only have "master of reality". i must have bought and sold this album 3 times now. i definately need a good compilation. my favorite is still "into the void" 'tho.

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Message 86/96                 Date: 23-Nov-04  @  03:24 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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have you heard the live bootlegs with ian gillan of d. purple "singing"? man his age has no excuse for playing that badly with that much distortion.

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Message 87/96                 Date: 23-Nov-04  @  05:56 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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my mom met him once. gillian that is. havent hear tho

nutonium..how can you only have MoR? thats a SICK release, start to finish, and Into the Void is amazing (I sure wish all the people that called Ozzy a satanist could hear that song)

seriously...go get Volume IV, Paranoid, Black Sabbath (the import with Evil Woman included), Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, and Sabotage! Theyre all just fcking amazing.

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Message 88/96                 Date: 23-Nov-04  @  02:30 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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well, i'm not a "real" sabbath fan. was subjected to the record on a trip to "tarrana" my head stuck between a bass drum and a guit amp. we protested when the guitar player wanted to put it on, claiming we didn't want to be exposed to hair music. that's when i became a closet "master of reality" fan. luckily there were pussy ballads, so we were able to give him some flack and retain composure. i've heard some others, but MoR (funny acronym, means death in french, monsieur) was MY sabbath album. i'm like that, i have fetish albums that i play and play and play.
but these days, i feel like checking some more. symptom of the universe seems to be what i'm looking for.

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Message 89/96                 Date: 24-Nov-04  @  01:10 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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ah yea thats the one, "sabotage" right between the early raw sabbath and their later "progressive" stuff, thats probably their most satisfying one for me

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Message 90/96                 Date: 24-Nov-04  @  09:18 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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Message 91/96                 Date: 24-Nov-04  @  11:56 AM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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"Anyone who's mobile, moving in the zone, even if it's a three-year-old, needs to be killed."



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 92/96                 Date: 24-Nov-04  @  04:58 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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"Fvcking dozy" is a bit of an understatement! you're looknig for "irreconcileably catatonic"

i see some soldier scored 10 points

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Message 93/96                 Date: 24-Nov-04  @  06:40 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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she wasnt crispy tho... wrong thread

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Message 94/96                 Date: 24-Nov-04  @  09:05 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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i was going to satrt a new thread but the last Il bashing post i made got totaled, sooo... here was a Schroedinger of toasted children so...

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Message 95/96                 Date: 25-Nov-04  @  01:02 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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heh - the US Dollar is still falling then... c'mon!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 96/96                 Date: 25-Nov-04  @  01:15 PM   -   RE: So, where's the crispy children...


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the fall in the dollar is a part of bush's economic policy, he wants it low coz the u.s. is in debt.

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