Track 4
Sutura Ignoramus
Track 3
Basalt (Revisted)
Track 2
Improvisation on the First Delphic Hymn (featuring Kevin Germain)
This is the 1st track of an older project which began
as a kind of semi-reverent little dream, turned total
nightmare that nearly cost me my life. I had just
begun figuring my way around some basic audio gear,
after visiting Europe and backpacking through
America, beginning in the spring of 2008.
All 4 tracks were recorded on substandard gear and
the volume is extremely low. This is my attempt to
salvage them during a couple of sick months between
2013 and 14, as it actually proved to be a kind of
gateway for me on several levels.
I'm not really doing much on this outside of poking
at a couple of synth pads and goofing with the tempo
as my friend Kevin plays the Yayli Tanbur. Kevin
plays several instruments and remarkably well. His
youtube page can be found here:
2011 Black Isle Records (All Rights Reserved.)