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Seminar_image Seminar
Track-time: 5.23 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 06-Sep-05 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 06-Sep-05 Bookmark and Share
Dark and heavily textured breaks running at 136bpm

Rhythm Tribe_image Rhythm Tribe
Track-time: 4.58 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 06-Sep-05 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 06-Sep-05 Bookmark and Share
Breaks track on the bouncier side 135bpm

Cyanine_image Cyanine
Track-time: 4.30 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 06-Sep-05 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 06-Sep-05 Bookmark and Share
Dark Electro Rocker running at 135bpm

Substance Abuse
_image Substance Abuse
Track-time: 5.00 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 19-Dec-04 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 19-Dec-04 Bookmark and Share
Electro feel with nice sound washes, running at 128 BPM

Toms Meltdown
_image Toms Meltdown
Track-time: 4.15 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 15-Dec-04 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 15-Dec-04 Bookmark and Share
138 bpm Breakbeat track, large beats & bass. From The "Feedback EP"


Breaks & beats




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