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Nitromeistro_image Nitromeistro
Track-time: 3.20 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 03-Nov-05 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 04-Nov-05 Bookmark and Share
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Superchief_image Superchief
Track-time: 3.28 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 21-Aug-05 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 21-Aug-05 Bookmark and Share
Written after Bush stole the election(The first time)

Tye-Dyed Suicide_image Tye-Dyed Suicide
Track-time: 3.11 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 07-Aug-05 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 07-Aug-05 Bookmark and Share
I wrote this the day Curt Cobain died....

Flat cat_image Flat cat
Track-time: 2.58 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 07-Aug-05 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 07-Aug-05 Bookmark and Share
I wrote this song after seeing a story on the local news about a lady who was killed by a drunk driver while working on a road crew late at night.The S.O.B. that did it was never caught...Just my way of slamming the **cker.

Carausel_image Carausel
Track-time: 3.54 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 08-May-05 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 08-May-05 Bookmark and Share
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Blue Lover_image Blue Lover
Track-time: 3.27 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 01-May-05 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 01-May-05 Bookmark and Share
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Where's Jack Carauwak_image Where's Jack Carauwak
Track-time: 3.35 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 01-May-05 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 07-Aug-05 Bookmark and Share
Work in progress.This is a trippy little tune..very repetitive could use a cool bridge and a break.I don't know why I wrote it.I was add-libbing lyrics and Jack Carauwak just popped in there...lol.This song could be cool if it was re-arranged and recorded in a proper studio.




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