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The Elegant_image The Elegant
Track-time: 6.49 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 15-Feb-07 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 15-Feb-07 Bookmark and Share
This is about backstabbers, those who are not what they seem. Those too blinded by their sycophancy to others to realise what is happening. Don't we all know one? Oh, and YOU are so vain, you think this song was written about you. It's not, but that's the new meaning. You know who you are.

Hilltops_image Hilltops
Track-time: 4.49 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 15-Feb-07 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 15-Feb-07 Bookmark and Share
For all those shattered by life a song of doubt and pain.

A Small Island_image A Small Island
Track-time: 2.01 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 15-Feb-07 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 15-Feb-07 Bookmark and Share
Another instrumental. I know, I know. The ending is approaching though, and every song gets bleaker as it goes on.

The Walking Dead_image The Walking Dead
Track-time: 3.17 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 15-Feb-07 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 15-Feb-07 Bookmark and Share
A song about being isolated and alone. This time happy about it. Like the dead must feel.

An Interlude_image An Interlude
Track-time: 1.16 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 14-Feb-07 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 15-Feb-07 Bookmark and Share
A little instrumental between tracks thing

Voodoo Priest_image Voodoo Priest
Track-time: 2.30 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 14-Feb-07 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 14-Feb-07 Bookmark and Share
This song is vaguely about outcasts of some kind. Don't know what it's about, just liked the way the words Voodoo Priest sound over the bass.

The Pigs_image The Pigs
Track-time: 3.31 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 14-Feb-07 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 14-Feb-07 Bookmark and Share
This is about people I hate. You know who you are.

The Outsiders_image The Outsiders
Track-time: 5.42 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 14-Feb-07 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 14-Feb-07 Bookmark and Share
A mandolin driven punk song about how some of us will never be accepted. Cry along.

Track 2_image Track 2
Track-time: 1.28 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 14-Feb-07 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 14-Feb-07 Bookmark and Share
An a cappella song about lack of love.

52 Year Old Actor Song_image 52 Year Old Actor Song
Track-time: 3.51 Play this track streamStream this mix
Date-added: 14-Feb-07 Download this track fileDownload file
Last-updated: 14-Feb-07 Bookmark and Share
About a middle aged actor going to Hollywood in search of a career.




St Helens


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