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Audioindy.com  -  dance/electronic

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Titanium Knee

Titanium Knee cover graphic

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 Just Climate Change

 Blue Greetings

 Agayu Yewa - Dont Think

 Ancient Big Drum

 Intrepid Plunder

 Omo Odunba




Operation Drum Robot

Cheesy Bubble Gum

Cheesy Bubble Gum cover graphic

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no tracks added to this album yet.
Cheesy Bubble Gum base consists either of natural latex or a synthetic substitute. Natural latex such as chicle is harvested by making large X-marks on rubber trees.

demo one

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 Approach Path







 Close at Hand

 In the Course of Time

 Just Around the Corner

testing the line up.


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 Low Drive Dubstep

 Pupcake Dubstep

 Amazing Pepper Spray - Dubstep

They hate us because we're beautiful.


World beats
New age


Daytona Beach
United States



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15-Feb-08 - Yesterdays Fresh

12-Feb-08 - If you want a profile like this one




the missing link

Maximilian Sandor
