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Subject: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!

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Original Message 1/16                 Date: 03-May-01  @  10:56 PM   -   F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


Posts: 137

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I think I just lost 8 months of programs on my nova, but
with your help maybe it's salvageable. GOD I HOPE SO.

I've never done a sysex dump BTW. I D/L'd OS4. Read
the readme and the Pdf. did as it said and switched
sysex transmission to TOTAL DATA. hit record in my
sequencer(micro logic) and the file came out to be
about 28 measures long (I did it at 100 bpm). I changed
the name of a perfomance and then set sysex reception
to NORMAL RX and hit play on the sequencer. the
display flashed recieving sesex (or something similar)
and it ran thru all banks and patterns as if it were
loading. BUT, the perf name I changed stayed the
same, and I went to scroll thru my progs and they all
are the same one...A 02 every fucking one is A02.

wait... now it's changed, A01 is on A1-126, Poms bass
is on A127, B01- B126 is one of mine, and B127 is init
program. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING. thay are
exactly like i set them but there are only 4 of my patches
on here.


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Message 2/16                 Date: 03-May-01  @  11:27 PM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


Posts: 472

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Are you telling us that you didn't save your patches before you tried to upload a new OS ?

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Message 3/16                 Date: 04-May-01  @  12:35 AM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


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No, that was the first thing I did,

"switched sysex transmission to TOTAL
DATA. hit record in my sequencer(micro logic)
and the file came out to be about 28
measures long (I did it at 100 bpm)." That
should be my data FROM the Nova.

the problem occured before i did any OS

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Message 4/16                 Date: 04-May-01  @  01:48 AM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


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Ok, this keeps getting weirder. I thought,
maybe reload the flash and try again. I was
about to load 1 prog and test that, and when i
hit write to select where the prog would
load...there were all the names of my

The data is there but I can't select it. Does
anone know what I should do, or do you know
any tech support email adress's at
novation????? Your help is greatly

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Message 5/16                 Date: 04-May-01  @  02:37 AM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


Posts: 437

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Flip through the pages in global mode and look for whatever parameter is set to the wrong value. For instance, you can't change anything in the synth unless it accepts sysex messages.

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Message 6/16                 Date: 04-May-01  @  03:52 PM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


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Remember... in global mode MEMORY PROTECT OFF and set the global chanel to meet your sequenzer track. ( TO RELOAD YOUR RECORDER SOUDNSET )

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Message 7/16                 Date: 04-May-01  @  07:53 PM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


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I'm not having any luck, even with your
suggestions (THANKS BTW). This sucks. All I
was trying to do was make a back up damn it.

I can see the names of my sounds when I try
and load a single prog from flash(which it
won't do) and I can even hear 3 of them. But
the thing won't won't go to the next prog name,
it only changes the # but the sound stays the

thanks for your help.

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Message 8/16                 Date: 05-May-01  @  02:10 PM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


Posts: 4573

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dood, I think ya got Local Control off. Go to the global page and turn it on. If that's it, yer sounds should be there and you can make some tunes.



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Message 9/16                 Date: 05-May-01  @  08:09 PM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


Posts: 14

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I agree with Psylichon, set Local Control to On and you should be fine. I think you'll find you haven't lost anything.

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Message 10/16                 Date: 07-May-01  @  08:20 AM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


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No I tried that as well. It gets worse. I've
effectively lost 8 months of work.

I can no longer flash load an individual
program, nor can I set a program to a part in
perf mode without being kicked back into prog
mode the instant I scroll thru progs.

I'd like to flash it to factory settings, how do I do

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Message 11/16                 Date: 07-May-01  @  12:49 PM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


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>I've effectively lost 8 months of work.

Did you check the detailed Total Data SysEx back-up in your Sequencer? You should see all your named patches there. If so, your problem is loading them in.

>I'd like to flash it to factory settings, how do I do this?

Maybe someone has answered you privately but it's something like boot up holding Part 6 edit and then press Page up. Search for a message from Kinetik in this forum about a month ago to be sure.

Hope you sort it out!



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Message 12/16                 Date: 07-May-01  @  01:52 PM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


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Before you re-install an older OS, I recommend that you try the following :

Make doubly sure that your Local Control is set to "On" and (for now) disconnect the MIDI cable from your machine's IN socket.

If your machine now appears to be fully functional, then the cause is almost certainly

a) You have your Global MIDI channel set to a value causing conflict with your sequencer data etc. (many users set this to 16 and use channels 1 - 8 for each Part in a Performance)


b) your MIDI information is being altered / garbled / channelised / filtered in the MIDI signal path between your machine's MIDI OUT to it's MIDI IN.

Anyway, give it a try and see what happens....

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Message 13/16                 Date: 07-May-01  @  09:02 PM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


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Ok, I REALLY appreciate your help guys but I
have a few questions.

--Did you check the detailed Total Data SysEx
back-up in your Sequencer?--

How do I do that?

I'll try what you said. I'm also going to check
out if i have my midi interface set up correctly
on Dave B's logic page.

Thanks again people and check this post from
time to time as I update you on the progress.

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Message 14/16                 Date: 07-May-01  @  09:17 PM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


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I just thought of something. How is it that I
can't load my patches, but latter that day I was
able to load OS4??? AND HOW DO I CHECK

Whats the average length in measures that a
TOTAL DATA dump shows in your sequencer?
Mine was 32 or so measures long? should it
be way more or less? if so then the data is

I'm just trying to know if I'm fucked and I
should just get on with music, or if I have
something salvageable. THANKS

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Message 15/16                 Date: 07-May-01  @  10:20 PM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


Posts: 137

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Well folks, it looks like we all pieced it together! I had tried the local on earlier with no success, but after making a few pref changes in my sequencer and re selecting local on...I CAN USE ME SOUNDS!!!!

I thank all of you for your willingness to help out a fellow DT'er.

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Message 16/16                 Date: 08-May-01  @  02:32 AM   -   RE: F$%^, I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


Posts: 4573

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Glad to hear you worked it out. I just hate thinking about a Nova going unused....

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