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Subject: OS4 Bug? Help!

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Original Message                 Date: 05-May-01  @  04:20 PM   -   OS4 Bug? Help!


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I need some verification here. For no apparent reason, I cannot enable the expression pedal on any part in any performance in my Nova. I've tried it with the Nova in isolation (i.e. no MIDI I/O), so it's not a MIDI loopback issue. The parameter still sends out MIDI data (as checked with my K2500) and the screen says expression pedal is on, but it ain't, and it switches back to "off" when I switch pages.

What's more disturbing, and what leads me to conclude it's a bug, is the fact that my old performances (saved with Sonar tracks) that DID have exp. pedal enabled on some parts come back to the Nova (via sysex) with them ALL OFF since I've upped to OS4. Tha's fucked up!

FUCK MY ASS MAN... i need that shit! I can't play the nova without the pedal tied to my filter cutoff... I just CAN'T FUCKING DO IT! HELP!!!!


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Message 11/27                 Date: 07-May-01  @  11:58 AM   -   RE: OS4 Bug? Help!


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I think I have spotted a possible bug.

When I select ring-modulated wave 1*3 and change its mix value, it keeps jumping back to 000, this doesn't happen on 1*2. Does this happen to any one else?

Thanks Jamie

P.S., is there a way of staying logged in to dance tech, I getting fed up of keep putting my password and user name every time I want to post a message. ;-}

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Message 12/27                 Date: 07-May-01  @  03:33 PM   -   RE: OS4 Bug? Help!


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yes there is...there's a ' remember me on this computer option ' somewhere when you log on....

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Message 13/27                 Date: 07-May-01  @  04:13 PM   -   RE: OS4 Bug? Help!


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This OS was well worth the wait, I can assure you of that. I consider it one of the most significant value-adds to an existing synth I've seen, in many years. The improvements are substantial, and the overall reliability of this significant software upgrade is impressive. _Nothing_ in software I've ever seen is absolutely perfect, so one or two issues may show up, I'm sure. I hope you are active here to get any feedback, and I hope members here provide active feedback, so those issues can be cleared up promptly.

I'm not worried about the time to get to 4.1, as doing post-release bug fixing is substantially less difficult and time-consuming than pre-release software redesign.

People here should not underestimate the considerable time and effort it takes to do the kind of work you've done with OS4.

Suffice to say, it's gotten me interested in buying future instruments from Novation. Stick around!!  

Very Best,


p.s. had a _wonderful_ time last night with "Fatty" (Performance 40-something in Bank A) and the distortion effect. The fuzz-guitar sound was good enough to submit to ZZ Top for consideration -- amazing, considering it's all digital!

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Message 14/27                 Date: 07-May-01  @  06:52 PM   -   RE: OS4 Bug? Help!


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Hi all.

After i loaded Os4 my nova will not receve any midi on part 4,5 and 6.

Does anybody having this problem!!!
I allso have the expression on/off problem

Ole Jeppesen

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Message 15/27                 Date: 07-May-01  @  07:28 PM   -   RE: OS4 Bug? Help!


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I've been unable to duplicate either the 1*3 mix value turning to zero or the above mentioned non functioning of Parts 4 - 6.

In both these cases, I'm a little suspicious. If these were really widespread problems with OS4, I would have expected that a lot more people would be reporting them.

omen_omen : please a post a detailed step by step procedure which reproduces this "bug" if possible. I suspect that the problem may in fact be due to your "mix" knob perhaps producing some noisy pot data or maybe your top fast data knob was resting imbetween "clicks" - this sometimes produces strangely changing data. Strange that you say it only happens with the 1*3 source though.

olepro : Sorry, I can't reproduce this at all. Parts 4 - 6 all work fine on my Novas. I would have expected that a LOT more people would have noticed a bug like this.

You don't say whether it's just one Performance you're having this problem with or ALL of them.

Please check the following :

Part's polyphony is not set to "Off"
Part's range contains the notes you are sending to the Part
Part is not stored muted
Part does not have Arp activated and is expecting external MIDI clock
Part's MIDI channel corresponds to the channel you're sending
If Part's MIDI channel is set to "Global", the Global MIDI channel (in the Global Menu) is the same as the channel you're sending.

If anyone else is experiencing these problems and can supply a step-by-step procedure for reproducing them, please let me know.

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Message 16/27                 Date: 07-May-01  @  08:47 PM   -   RE: OS4 Bug? Help!


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I have found another bug. When using the audition buttons holding a note a switching between the oscillators when osc solo is active it keeps jumping to the white noise or the ring modulator. Hope this can be fixed cos its a real pain when editing without a kb. Other than that the new OS rocks.

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Message 17/27                 Date: 08-May-01  @  02:30 AM   -   RE: OS4 Bug? Help!


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I, for one, cannot verify the bugs reported by olepro and oquinlan. I could not recreate either problem. Nor can I offer a solution. But I don't think they're bugs...


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Message 18/27                 Date: 08-May-01  @  07:29 AM   -   RE: OS4 Bug? Help!


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I've been informed that the non-functioning of Parts 4 - 6 on the Nova was definitely NOT a bug.

Turns out he had his Polyphony on these Parts set to "Off".

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Message 19/27                 Date: 08-May-01  @  07:36 AM   -   RE: OS4 Bug? Help!


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I may have another bug for you.

I stored the global settings with the new knob mode pickup, and at the time of write the volume was set to 26. If I set the volume to max, turn the Nova off and then restart it, the volume is set to the level that I left it at before turning off, say 110. However, the moment I start twisting the volume knob, the volume jumps down to 26, the stored value.

So... The problem beeing that at start up the volume knob is inspected and global volume is set accordingly (knob mode normal) and when the booting sequence is complete the volume knob has pickup mode.

It should be just normal mode (which seems natural for a volume knob) or just pickup mode, not a combination of the two.


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Message 20/27                 Date: 08-May-01  @  08:52 AM   -   RE: OS4 Bug? Help!


Posts: 137

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[image file]

(sort of on the topic) Has there been any
update to performance saves? IE: I add a
delay to a 303 sound and when I save does it
still overwrite the original prog?

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