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Subject: Beans on fucking toast, mate.

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Original Message                 Date: 11-Oct-02  @  05:19 PM   -   Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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Perfect day. I've got the day off work, so I'm sat on the
couch and fucking around with Reason, drinking more
Tea than is good for everyone and awaiting lunch time.

I'm all excited because I found a tin of Heinz beans in
the cupboard last night, so I'm going to make beans on
toast for lunch. This might seem really sad, but I've not
had B on T for a year and I'm seriously craving it.

Why am I announcing it here? Who knows? Maybe
this thread is something to do with Studios and
comfort? Ok, yeah, that's it. How do you make yourself
comfy in your studio and what nourishment suits you?

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Message 70/77                 Date: 26-Nov-02  @  07:33 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


Posts: 1005

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"egg/bean/cheese burritos" just add brussel sprouts for a weapon of mass destruction.

I used to take psylocybin mushrooms so regularly that I eventually couldn't abide the taste of them however I still wanted to trip so I tried mixing them with various things to disguise the taste.This brought me to the point where I attempted mixing them with a tin of baked beans after one mouthful I realised this was a mistake but I didn't want to waste the mushrooms so I ate the whole pot.A side effect of this was etna like eruptions of the most foul smelling gas that I can only liken to the smell of a rat that has been dead for four days in a warm,humid,environment.

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Message 71/77                 Date: 26-Nov-02  @  07:56 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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ugh... baked beans and 'shrooms!!! You must've been trippin' to think it up.

I took so many shrooms that i like them now. Munch 'em like dried fruit right out'a the bag. But there was a time when they were nasty to me...

Mix 'em with nacho sauce! Hard to have a good trip with those kinds of noxious emenations!


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Message 72/77                 Date: 26-Nov-02  @  08:14 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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ugh, you people are gluttons for punishment. Shroom farts are powerful enough without an accelerant. Though Chili really does hide the taste well.

But if you really want to fool yourself and do your stomach a favor, crush your boomers up in some instant oatmeal. Nice sweet treat, and the texture is completely hidden.


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Message 73/77                 Date: 27-Nov-02  @  12:03 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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nah nah nah,

Mix em w/ cocoa and milk! Best: Grind em to powder in a coffee mill. stir them into some chocolate flavored rice or soy milk and drink up.

The Hopi, the aztecs, all the originals mixed 'em with Chocolate...


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Message 74/77                 Date: 27-Nov-02  @  12:55 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Whatever you do don't eat them raw mixed with baked beans,I still get the boke when I remember it.

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Message 75/77                 Date: 27-Nov-02  @  01:35 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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pict what is the boke?

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Message 76/77                 Date: 27-Nov-02  @  01:47 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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i don't know but I get a mental image there...

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Message 77/77                 Date: 27-Nov-02  @  01:52 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


Posts: 1005

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Influx to boke is to vomit and a dry boke is when you retch and nothing comes up,to "get the boke" is to have the strong urge to vomit.

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